Crow's Feet Exhibition
(Graham Mollart)

Frensham's Red Cube Gallery is currently showing work by one of its creators Graham Mollart,

The showcase includes three studies of birds a goldfinch, a waxwing, and a kingfisher.

The art named 'Crows Feet' is painted in a 'Pop Art' style and has images accompanied by the birds colloquial names.

So the goldfinch has been called the 'seven coloured linnet' and 'the draw- wate'r, the kingfisher has been known as the 'waterspear' and appears in myths of halcyon days and the 'bohemian' waxwing has been called the 'supermarket bird' for its habit of turning up in great flocks in said carparks.

Above the birds hangs abandoned shoes that have been washed up on beaches which reminded Graham of when gamekeepers would hang trapped crows by their feet.

The showcase will continue until May 14th whilst preparing for The Cubes third creator Fi Scimone wh is busy making a 'Greta Thunberg' for Frensham Scarecrow Festival ' Heroes and Villains' which runs over the May Day Bank Holiday from May 4th to May 6th.

Crow's Feet in headlights
(Angela Shaw)