Churchgoers will be treated to a musical extravaganza this evening (Friday, June 21) as St George’s Badshot Lea is hosting a fundraising concert for Christian Aid.

An evening of music, singing and dancing will begin at 7pm with acts including John Bush, who performs both classical and contemporary music.

Guests can expect “a fun performance” with lots of audience participation according to organiser, Sue Lampard, one of many musicians who will perform.

Also performing will be Olivia Jasper, a young singer-songwriter who grew up in Farnham, and the Kerala Girls, a group of dancers who will perform wearing the traditional dress of their home Kerala in south India. 

The resident choir of St George’s, St Mark’s and St John’s, which together make up the Anglican Parish of Badshot Lea and Hale, will be singing, and Lampard’s a-cappella group In Accord will perform a mixture of songs from sea shanties to ditties from The Beatles.

There will be refreshments and a raffle, and tickets are £10 on the door or in advance from Sue Lampard on 07596 953138, with free entry for under 12s.

Christian Aid exists to create a world where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty, with a campaign to reduce the debt paid by low-incoming countries being one of its biggest.

According to a report, the majority of African countries spent more repaying external debts than on healthcare or education – and in some cases both – in 2023.

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