Artist Kate Kennigton Steer was given a tour of Farnham's Brightwells development to help with her project ‘bright-+/well’, which examines wellbeing and the built environment.

Kate, a disabled writer, contemplative photographer and visual artist based in Guildford, began the project during a residency at the New Ashgate Gallery over the summer of 2023.

This project was made possible by a bursary from DAiSY (Disability Arts in Surrey), and ‘Bright & Well i', the first panel in her series of 21, has been selected to be on show at the LightBox Gallery in Woking in June.

Kate previously worked at Brightwell House when it was home to the Redgrave Theatre. She was shown around by site manager Andrea Weeks and said of her visit: “The tour has definitely sparked things which will appear in the next pieces I create, in terms of colour and line and shape, and in terms of feeling. I’m so grateful to Andrea for giving me her time and attention when she was so busy”. 

Andrea Weeks said, “it's great to hear from local residents and witness how creativity can unite the Brightwells community. We're delighted that the development is inspiring such wonderful art, and we encourage other residents to join us in sharing their experiences.”