Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) will also be issued to the owners of abandoned vehicles, like the van pictured here, and costs will be collected for the removing and storing of vehicles.
A council spokesman added: “Vehicles like this cause obstructions, attract anti-social behaviour and can be a fire or safety hazard.
“They also prevent law-abiding residents using the streets for legitimate parking and are also an eyesore.”
What is an abandoned vehicle?
Waverley considers several issues to decide whether or not the vehicle can be classed as abandoned and it is likely that at least some of the following will apply:
- has no registered keeper on the DVLA’s database and or is untaxed, without MOT or subject of a Statutory Off Road Notice
- has been stationary for a significant amount of time
- is burnt out
- is significantly damaged, run down, hazardous or unroadworthy, for example, has flat tyres, missing wheels and or broken windows or other hazards
- number plates are missing
If the vehicle has road tax, MOT and there are no parking restrictions where it is parked on the public highway, the council probably won’t be able to treat it as an abandoned vehicle.
Report an abandoned vehicle in Waverley borough via the link