One of Farnham’s longest traditions will be broken this year as a historical building will not be opening for Heritage Open Day (HOD).

Last year’s HOD celebration at Farnham Castle featured heavy downpours, but did not stop record crowds from enjoying the display at Bishop’s Palace.

The Castle is unable to take part in this year’s event, leaving many residents disappointed.

A Farnham Castle spokesperson said: “Farnham Castle is unable to take part in the 2024 Heritage Open Days Programme. Due to the availability of the venue and the very busy schedule of our ‘Historic Re-enactors’. 

“We very much hope to be a part of this community-led festival for history and culture in 2025,”

Chair of Farnham Castle Charity and Trust, Derek Carpenter said: “The situation at Farnham Castle this year is very unfortunate and it breaks a long tradition of the Castle being included as a very popular part of the Heritage Open Day celebrations.

“Even the heavy rain experienced for much of the day in 2023 did not prevent record numbers from attending and enjoying the displays, and the ability to visit the Palace and its grounds.”

Control over what takes place at the Castle is regulated by wedding and events company Farnham Castle Operations (FCO). Its lease agreed with the trust and has no mention of any requirement for public access on HOD.

The lease only requires that the Bishop’s Palace should be open to the public for one unspecified half day each week to be determined by the tenant. For necessary consistency, Wednesday afternoons were selected by FCO as being the day least likely to conflict with its business operations.

So far this year, 11 Wednesday afternoons agreed for public tours of the Bishop’s Palace have been cancelled up to October 30.