Staff and residents at a care home near Farnham have celebrated a good start to 2025 after getting a high five from an industry watchdog.

Tilford Care and Nursing Home in Rushmoor was rated “Good” in all five key areas and received the same overall rating after being inspected by the CQC.

The report acknowledged the hard work and efforts of its management team to make the home a “safe and positive environment” for residents and staff.

Registered manager Lisa Kirtland was pleased the inspectors observed “kind and thoughtful interactions” between her care team and residents.

The latter and their families also described the home as “safe, clean, responsive and communicate” while a visiting healthcare professional noted its community “always seem happy”.

Lisa said: “I am thankful to the care team at Tilford for all they do – it is rewarding to see all our hard work being recognised by the CQC’s ‘Good’ rating.”