A Farnham jeweller is sharing the love with a town charity this Valentine’s Day.

Andre Noir will make a donation to Farnham Institute Charity for every Valentine’s Day gift sold at their Lion & Lamb shop this Friday, February 14.

The charity awards grants to organisations and individuals in Farnham with recent beneficiaries including local hospice care, special needs sensory facilities, youth and community centre funding, drug and alcohol care, those with brain injuries, and cultural and horticultural initiatives.

Farnham Town Council set up a Covid Support Fund in 2020 which Farnham Institute Charity joined, along with other major local charities, to help families in need. This initiative has continued and is now known as the Farnham Support Fund.

Dan Fox, the new owner of Andre Noir, said: “As a longstanding local Farnham Jeweller under new ownership, Andre Noir strongly believes in the responsibility of supporting the local community, helping those less fortunate and funding important initiatives to enrich life experiences.

“This is why Andre Noir was eager to partner with Farnham Institute Charity this Valentine’s Day.

“We were very impressed with the variety of grants awarded and the diversity of people in different walks of life that these grants would positively impact in and around the Farnham area.

“We are proud to partner with the Farnham Institute Charity to share the love around Farnham and give back to our community.”

Andrew Lodge, chair of Farnham Institute Charity, said: “Andre Noir is a longstanding jeweller within the Farnham community.

“We are excited to be working together with them this Valentine’s Day. It is very encouraging to see local businesses actively reaching out to charities to support those in need in their local communities.

“The money raised by Andre Noir will be used to award grants to those who are most in need.”