Fifteen local good causes have benefitted from more than £3,000 donated by Alton solicitors Bookers & Bolton.

Every year law firms find themselves looking after a pot of money built up from people who cannot be traced.

Once the Solicitors Regulation Authority is satisfied that all has been done to find them, law firms are allowed to gift that money to good causes.

At the end of last year, Bookers & Bolton had collected more than £3,000 and asked local groups to apply for the funds, particularly those working with the elderly and children.

A spokesperson for Bookers & Bolton said: “We were delighted to award every penny to local organisations, groups and charities that are doing great things to support those in Alton and just beyond.

“What amazing work these organisations do. Bookers & Bolton Solicitors is proud to be a part of this thriving and supportive community.”

The grants have been, or will be, used as follows:

Alton Clothes Bank - wheeled storage bins. The Rosemary Foundation - hospice at home care. Manor Colts under-tens - football training for children from low-income families. Healing Hubs - refreshments for Warm Hub at Orchard House and Meeting Place at Alton Rugby Club. Amery Hill School - mental health talks from Farnham neuroscientist TJ Power.

1st Medstead Girl Guides - skills badges for trip to activity centre. Wootey Infant School - ear defenders, cushions, blankets and toys for pupils with complex sensory needs. Vokes Lunch Club - gas cooker. Alton Counselling Service - mental health counselling sessions for over-16s. Alton Stroke Support Group - day trip to Alice Holt Forest featuring inclusive cycling and outdoor yoga.

Alton Hard of Hearing Group - lip reading lessons. Open Sight Alton - Christmas meals for visually impaired and blind people. Eggar’s School - safe space called The Haven for pupils feeling overwhelmed. Sexual Trauma and Restorative Therapy - counselling sessions. Anna Chaplaincy - new use to be announced.