Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) sponsored a much-loved summer and social fixture.

The company sponsored this year’s Worldham Parish Annual Event, held at The Three Horseshoes Pub. SSEN wanted to give a gesture of thanks to members of the community for their patience during the £10.6 million Alton to Bordon network upgrade. 

The offer of sponsorship was made to the local Parish Council during consultations held throughout the works.

SSEN project manager, Scott Sadler said: “We were delighted to support the Worldham Parish Summer Event. This sponsorship is our way of giving back to a community that’s shown great patience and support during the necessary network upgrades. We hope everyone enjoyed the day.”

SSEN’s support helped to ensure this year’s event could take place. It’s hoped that a new generation of volunteers will step in to organise the event in future years, thus preserving an annual tradition.