A Farnham community group is as busy as a bee as the summer months create a hive of activity.

Hive Helpers is now running a community beekeeping group for adults to complement its activities for children and young people.

The Bee-Plus group will focus as much on wild pollinators as it does on the Hive Helpers’ honey bees. Activities will include how to ID bumblebees and other pollinators while encouraging and helping residents to make a difference to the environment.

“One of our aims is to inspire care for all pollinators, many of which are in serious decline,” said the group’s founder, Erica Evans.

“We have always seen our honey bees as ambassadors for the wider world of pollinators, so as well as beekeeping and honey harvesting, we will be doing all sorts of activities to help other pollinators,” added the group’s “Queen of the Hive”.

There’s no sting in the tail as the group has already started to make the most of this beekeeping season. The group meets every Tuesday for freebee sessions at Farnham Community Farm from 5 to 8pm.

Bee there or bee Square as people of all ages swarm to Hive Helpers, for more information on Hive Helpers, please visit www.hivehelpers.co.uk     

Hive Helpers apiary at Farnham Community Farm
Hive Helpers has launched a community beekeeping group for adults. (Sarah Womersley)

The group have received sweet rewards from their hard work providing free pollinator workshops in primary schools.

Harmony Energy Income Trust Farnham Community Fund and Community Foundation for Surrey will continue to help the group provide arrange free workshops with more schools as we move into autumn.