St Thomas-on-The Bourne needs your help – and clutter – to save its stained glass windows!
The Bourne Parish is holding a car boot sale on Saturday, April 13 at St Thomas’ Church car park from 10am to 2pm as the first of a series of fundraising events.
The parish church of St Thomas-on-the Bourne was built between 1911 and 1926.
A hundred years on, a number of its beautiful stained-glass windows are buckled and need urgent repair and will have to be re-leaded.
Estimates for the work are in the order of £40,000, a huge amount in the life of the church.
The Bourne Parish is starting a fundraising programme to raise the much-needed funds to make the repairs so that these windows will be able to provide joy and inspiration for generations to come.
The parish is encouraging members of the community to come out for the day by having a clear-out and declutter to fill their car boots.
Participants can raise money for themselves, their own chosen charity, or the church windows.
There are still spaces available at £12 per car if you would like to reserve a pitch for your car, and all are invited to come along and support the event as buyers.
See the windows, enjoy the sale and take a sip of the refreshments that will be available.
There will also be an information session on the windows to raise money on Wednesday, May 1.
For more information, contact Mo Cuthbert at [email protected] or 01252 719650.