There are currently 426 Ukrainian guests (205 families) living in the East Hampshire area.

Many are living with host families and in private rented accommodation. Approximately 80 East Hampshire households are active hosts, supporting Ukrainian families.

The district has welcomed 492 guests (232 families) since the launch of the scheme in March 2022, the third highest number in Hampshire.

In 2024, East Hampshire District Council (EHDC) provided community support initiatives including English language classes, family events in Alton and Petersfield and a weekly yoga class in Petersfield. 

EHDC also worked in partnership with Everyone Active to offer six-monthly memberships and free adult and junior taster sessions at three local leisure centres.

The Council remains committed to working with local organisations and agencies to provide support and much needed services to the families that are settling in the county.

The next family event will be on Saturday, September 28 at the Taro Leisure Centre in Petersfield and will be a fun swim session for Ukrainian children aged 5-12 years.

EHDC Chairman Cllr Catherine Clark said: “I’m immensely proud of the support that East Hampshire residents have been able to provide to Ukrainians forced out of their country by war.

“It is hard to imagine the impact that being such a situation would have on your life and your family.

“EHDC is committed to providing all of the support we can for both our Ukrainian guests and the hosts that have opened their homes to them.”

Over the last weekend of August, Creatful will be hosting an art event at Petersfield Heath for Ukrainian guests. As well as a display of Ukrainian art at the Petersfield Summer Festival on the Sunday.

Could you host a Ukrainian family or individual? Information available online at: