A CHEQUE for nearly £1,800 from the former Mayor of Farnham’s charity will help nursery children with learning difficulties at the Ridgeway Community School to communicate through technology.
The former mayor, John Ward, handed over the cheque to the school on Thursday of last week.
The money was raised through activities and events held during 2016 and 2017, such as the Civic Carol Service and individual donations including sales of greetings cards made by the mayoress.
Speaking after the visit, Mr Ward, said: “I was, as always, thoroughly impressed with the outstanding work the Ridgeway School does with local children and young people who have severe and profound multiple learning difficulties.
“At the school’s nursery, children as young as two will benefit from new equipment to help them communicate.
“The nursery will be using tablets which show symbols that children can touch to communicate.
“Thank you to everyone who gave to my charity last year: your donations are being put to excellent use.”
Farnham Town Council elects a new mayor each year who chooses a charity to support during his or her mayoral year.
Mr Ward was the mayor from May 2016 to May 2017 and chose to raise money for the Ridgeway Community School.
In total, £1,779 was raised during the year from donations at events and a contribution of £500 from the Farnham Lions Club.
The Ridgeway Community School is a school for children from age two to 19 with severe learning difficulties. It has expertise and extra provision for children who also have autism. The school has been building a new classroom to replace its nursery.
The school will put the donation towards the purchase of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) equipment for the nursery as part of its early intervention work.
In this case, AAC involves using devices, such as tablets, that display symbols that children can touch to ‘speak’ for them, enabling them to communicate.