Surrey Country Council (SCC) has developed proposals for Weybourne Road and Bullers Road in Farnham.

The proposals are part of a school safety scheme to improve road safety and pedestrian facilities following concerns by parents, schools and Bullers Road residents who launched a petition.

Local councillors, Surrey Police, William Cobbett Primary School and Farnham Heath End School were consulted by SCC to help create the scheme.

SCC said: “The proposals aim to improve road safety and improve accessibility for pedestrians walking, cycling, wheeling, or scooting to both schools.  

“Encouraging and supporting an increase in these sustainable modes of transport will contribute towards a reduction in car journeys, air pollution and congestion outside the school gates.”

The proposals for Weybourne Road include a raised signalised controlled crossing, traffic calming and a new footway on Monkton Lane for a ‘park and stride’ site on the lane. A park and stride is an initiative where parents drive their children to school part of the way, park and then walk the rest of the way.

Bullers Road would have a ‘school street’ which puts emphasis on pedestrians and cyclists on roads outside schools by temporarily restricting traffic from entering the roads during pick-up and drop-off times. 

Councillor Chris Jackman said: “Based on the feedback received from residents and school drop off families, the proposed changes are on the whole positive and desperately needed to improve both road safety and aid the flow of traffic.

But not everyone thinks the scheme will fix the congestion problems that are common on the road.

One person said: “An attempt to solve a problem in Weybourne Road will be cause problems for Bullers Road residents.”

Another added: “Schemes like this fail to recognise and solve the real issues which is enough provision for traffic with two large schools next to each other - it isn’t going to encourage anyone out of their car or to walk further.”

SCC is encouraging the community to have its say on the scheme with consultations closing in July.