WHITEHILL Town Council is urging users to keep the new Bordon skatepark tidy.

The council said the skatepark, officially opened in Budds Lane on July 29, was proving very popular.

But it urged users to follow some basic rules to help to keep the facility in a good condition.

The town council’s concern is compounded by the closure of the town’s old skatepark, on a different site in Budds Lane, which was closed to use weeks earlier than scheduled after it was vandalised.

“This (the new skatepark) is a facility of which all the residents of Whitehill and Bordon can be very proud,” the town council said in a statement. “After a lot of hard work by the Whitehill and Bordon Regeneration Company (the developer of Prince Philip Barracks in Budds Lane), Whitehill Town Council is delighted to take over the management, which is clearly proving popular with residents.”

The council said it wanted to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all the skatepark users and asked that everyone observed its guidance on the skatepark’s use, especially during busy periods such as school holidays.

The council asked that drivers park their vehicles considerately and in accordance with road-traffic regulations.

It asked all parents to remind younger users to be aware of traffic on surrounding roads while they are making their way to and from the skatepark.

There is a wide age range of young people using the skatepark and the council urged all users to be respectful to each other on the equipment.

All users are also asked to be sensitive to the environment and to use the rubbish bins provided.

Town councillor Chris Mitchell, chairman of the council’s amenities committee, confirmed that the council was closely monitoring the site, and working with partner organisations, to ensure any concerns raised were investigated and resolved as soon as possible.

When the skatepark, one of the biggest in the county, was unveiled more than 500 people gathered to see BMX Olympian Liam Phillips open the facility with the Mayor of Whitehill Colin Leach.