The English cricket season is in full swing so Right at Home Guildford and Farnham is inviting people of all abilities to join it for a game of Inclusive Cricket.

Inclusive Cricket is for anyone aged over 50 and takes place at Farnham Leisure Centre every Friday from 12.30pm to 1.30pm.

Hayley Thaysen, from Right at Home, said: “Fear of the unknown can prevent people from trying something new, but I promise that anybody who comes to Inclusive Cricket will receive a very warm welcome.”

Six players take part - four fielders plus those batting and bowling - and they change positions after every eight deliveries to give everybody a chance to bat, bowl and field.

Inclusive Cricket costs £5 per player and is free for accompanying carers, and there is no need to book. Halfway through the game there is a break for cold drinks, biscuits and a chat.