A man from Alton is still searching for answers about what happened to his son, more than two years after his death.

Richard Eccott, 31, was found dead at his home in Alton on April 2, 2022.

His father Terry Eccott said there was a hole in a wall where Richard’s safe had been, closed-circuit television footage of the safe being carried into another address, and a witness who claimed Richard had been beaten twice that night.

Despite Terry’s claims, so far nobody has been found responsible for Richard’s death.

Terry believed Richard was a victim of cuckooing, meaning a drug gang had taken over his home, and set up a Facebook page called A Cuckoo in the Nest to help other families in the same situation.

He launched a campaign, called Justice for Richard Eccott, and lodged a complaint about the police’s handling of the case with Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary’s professional standards department.

Terry said he recently obtained photographs and body cam video footage which he believed posed more questions.

The professional standards department has been investigating the complaint for nine months and an inspector is now reviewing the case.

Terry also lodged a complaint with the coroner’s office about his son’s inquest. He felt there were inconsistencies in reports about drugs in Richard’s bloodstream, and claimed his family had not been allowed to speak at the hearing, held 17 months after his death.

Richard died two days before he was due to give evidence at Winchester Crown Court in a trial about another drug-related death. His witness statement was read out in court.

Terry said: "The last two years have been draining, but talking to people around the country who have had the same experiences as us makes us even more determined to carry on.”