A drug dealer from Farnham has been jailed for four years for supplying cocaine, ketamine and cannabis locally.

Craig Warner, 23, was sentenced at Guildford Crown Court on June 5 after admitting four charges - possession with intent to supply class A cocaine, possession with intent to supply class B ketamine, possession with intent to supply class B cannabis, and possession of criminal property.

Warner was first arrested in November of last year, and when police officers looked at his phone they uncovered a large number of messages relating to drug supply.

Based on the presence of these messages, Surrey Police officers then conducted a thorough search of his home and found a large quantity of cash, different bags of white powder, drug paraphernalia and scales.

Officers were also able to see that Warner had been regularly deleting messages on his phone and had also turned on disappearing messages.

However a large number of messages via text, Facebook and Snapchat were still available.

In them the drugs were referred to by a number of code words, including as 'crisps', 'sweets' and 'packets'.

Taking into account this evidence, the judge presiding over the case handed Warner a four-year prison sentence.

The investigating officer, PC Simon Laidlaw, said: "Drug dealing has no place in our community and can cause untold damage to the lives of many.

“We are pleased with this result and Warner will now spend the next four years in prison without being able to cause disruption in the local area."