IT was a day filled with success stories as students across Farnham and its surrounding area collected their A-Level results on Thursday.

Nationally, 97.6 per cent of A-Level entries were awarded A* to E grades this year, while some 26.4 per cent of exams were awarded the top A and A* grades and 78.4 per cent A* to Cs - dropping from 79 per cent last year.

Farnham’s colleges once again exceeded the national averages, however, with All Hallows’ Sixth Form College celebrating a 100 per cent pass rate, with 31 per cent of students achieving A* to A grades, 59 per cent achieving A* to B grades and 81 per cent achieving A to C grades.

Headteacher, Patrick Doyle said: “A-Level results at All Hallows are excellent this year with many very high grades. Students and staff have worked incredibly hard and have been rewarded with wonderful grades.

“We are delighted with the performance of our students and wish them every success as they move on to university and employment.”

Director of All Hallows’ sixth form, Teresa Fanshawe, added: “Of course I am delighted with these results.

“But our real reason for celebration is the fact that almost all our students have secure the results they need for the next stage in their journey. We wish them every success in their next adventure.”

There was similar success at Farnham Sixth Form College, as an overall pass rate of 98 per cent was maintained.

High A* to B grades were achieved by 52 per cent of students who have studied at Farnham for the past two years, two per cent higher than last year.

Across 39 subject areas there was a 100 per cent pass rate, with students set to attend several Russell Group universities including Warwick, Sheffield, Durham and Kings College, London.

Neil Brooks, the new head of Farnham Sixth Form College, said: “We are thrilled with the results of our Farnham Sixth Form College students.

"They have worked so hard to reach their goals and it gives us great pleasure to see them achieve the successes that they deserve.

“Once again our pass rates at Farnham Sixth Form College are above the national average, and it is great to see so many students achieving the grades they need to move on to the next exciting stage in their lives, whether that be continuing with their studies or beginning their chosen career.

“I would like to thank the staff at Farnham for their hard work and support in helping our students achieve. We are all very proud of our students and we wish them every success for the future.”

More House School’s boys also celebrated “amazing results”, declared headmaster Jon Hetherington on Thursday.

Despite 81 per cent of leavers at the Frensham special school holding an education, health and care plan (EHCP), the boys celebrated a 97 per cent A-Level and BTEC level three pass rate - 63 per cent at C grade or higher and 37 per cent at A or A* or BTEC equivalent. More House’s BTEC pass rate stood at 100 per cent.

Mr Hetherington added: “We could not be prouder of their achievements. Good luck to all those collecting results today. The world is yours.”

Students at Farnborough Hill achieved the best results in ten years, with 61 per cent of grades at A* to A and 87 per cent at A*, A or B.

More results, student reactions and pictures to follow in next week’s Herald.