TOP universities including Sheffield, Surrey, Portsmouth and Edinburgh are some of the destinations of choice for students at Farnham College who received top A-level grades on Tuesday.

The University of Surrey beckons for the college’s top performer, Christopher Wagstaff, who achieved exceptional results in his A-level exams. Christopher, 18, from Bordon, will be studying a five-year Integrated Masters degree in Biomedical Science after gaining A*A*A*A* in maths, physics, chemistry and biology.

Speaking of his achievement, Christopher said: “I have worked so hard for these results. I used lockdown to really focus on my studies and all my dedication has really paid off.

"I’m very proud and I’m looking forward to starting the next chapter of my life.”

Overall, Farnham College celebrated another year of outstanding results, achieving an overall pass rate of 97.5 per cent.

A*-B grades were achieved by 65 per cent of students who have studied at Farnham for the past two years.

With a 100 per cent pass rate in 12 subject areas, students at Farnham College have given themselves the best chance of progressing to university or launching their intended career.

University also awaits Becca Bareham and Vincent Mendy, who both secured places at their first-choice universities.

Becca, 18, achieved A*A*A* in Sociology, History and Maths, and will be studying government, policy and Ssociety at the University of Edinburgh with the ambition of a career in the Civil Service.

Vincent, 18, achieved AA in Maths and Physics as well as a Distinction* in Game Development and will be moving on to the University of Sheffield to study Electronic and Computer Engineering.

After opening her results, Becca said: “I am so pleased with my results, as this means I get to go to my first-choice university. I’m so relieved and overwhelmed by my achievement. We all worked so hard despite the difficult circumstances of the past 18 months and the college really couldn’t have done more to support us during this time.”

Neil Brookes, Head of Farnham College, said: “I am delighted that once again, in an exceptional year, our students have shone. A fantastic number of students leave us with high grades and embark on the next stage of their journey - we are excited to follow their progress into university and beyond.”