Local representatives are asking for resident views on the introduction of lower speed limits.

Elstead Parish Council is keen to hear from locals about the implementation of 20 mph speed restrictions in the village. In response to Surrey County Council (SCC) starting to place these speed limits in some communities.

SCC announced a new approach to 20 mph limits in the Vision Zero Road Safety Strategy 2024 to 2035.

The Parish Council said: “Residents feedback from the April 2023 survey has identified several locations where speeding is considered to be a particular issue.

“The Elstead Road Safety Team are concerned that the introduction of several 20-mph zones to cover only these locations within the existing village-wide 30-mph zone will cause confusion for all road users.”

Based on the feedback, the Parish Council will then go to SCC with the results. Residents can access the survey at: https://forms.gle/ZpJoyT1V4fSzc4CQ6.