Rebus Theatre Company will perform two Alan Ayckbourn one-act plays and a ten-minute comedy sketch in aid of Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care at Shackleford Village Hall on July 26 and 27 at 7.30pm.

Sara Wilson-Soppitt, of Rebus, said: “We are an informal group who perform plays for charities locally. This year we are putting on our own production in aid of the Phyllis Tuckwell hospice rebuild, drawing on a cast and crew from a number of local groups - Tilford, Churt, Elstead and including Farnham's previous town crier, Jonathan Jones, back on stage after an absence of ten years. 

“One of the founders of Rebus is a volunteer with Phyllis Tuckwell and we are all delighted to give our time and energy to this important cause.

“The charming village hall in Shackleford has not seen a theatrical production on its stage for many years. We have sponsorship from Hampton Estates but are keen to attract support like raffle prizes or help with costs.”

For tickets priced £16, which includes prosecco plus cheese and biscuits, visit