Gilbert White’s House and Gardens in Selborne is hosting an exhibition of intricate wood engravings by Kate Dicker and her masterclass until October 6.

Professional artist and printmaker Kate was at Camberwell College of the Arts from 1980 to 1983. She then drew the working horses of London at their locations for an exhibition in Chelsea, with several works now in the museum archive of The Royal Artillery.

In Hampshire her subjects have included a foundry, a laundry and the River Itchen.

Wood engraving is a traditional printmaking technique in which an artist works an image into a block of wood, applies ink to the face of the block and prints using relatively low pressure. Kate's mastery of this medium can be seen through her diverse styles, each piece telling a story of patience, precision and artistic vision.

The exhibition also features the work of her masterclass students Charles Harries, Jutta Manser, Jonathan Miller, Jan Slater and Maggie Storm. Many prints are for sale.

Kate is running art workshops during the exhibition. For more details visit