Tilbourne Players will be performing the comedy Cold Comfort Farm at the Tilford Institute from April 3 to 5 at 7.30pm, with a matinee on April 5 at 2pm.

Director Ruth Ahmed said: “The novel Cold Comfort Farm, by Stella Gibbons, is a stinging, outrageously funny satire of literature about rural English farm life.

“Published in 1932, it parodies the romanticised, sometimes doom-laden accounts of rural life popular at the time, especially by authors Sheila Kaye-Smith and Mary Webb.”

Paul Doust's adaptation follows cultured Londoner and orphan Flora Poste as she ventures to Cold Comfort Farm to live with her eccentric relatives the Starkadders.

There will be live music from local band Leakin Lentils. For tickets, priced £13, visit www.tilbourneplayers.org.uk