The Waverley Singers will be performing Mendelssohn’s Elijah at St Andrew's Garrison Church in Aldershot on March 22 at 7.30pm.
Baritone soloist Andrew Rupp will sing the role of Elijah. He will be joined by Josephine Baker Trust soloists Mariana Fernandes, Julia Merino and Harun Tekin from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.
Premium seats cost £20 in advance or £22 on the door. General admission is £15 in advance or £17 on the door. Students will pay £5 and under-16s will be admitted free, subject to conditions.
People who usually obtain tickets through a choir member are encouraged to continue to do so because this saves the choir having to pay card charges.
Patrons can book reserved seats through the patrons secretary at [email protected]
Tickets can also be booked at
To mark their Platinum Jubilee the Waverley Singers have - with the expert support of musical director Richard Pearce, who has a company designing and developing websites at - launched a completely new website including a searchable archive of every concert performed since their founding in 1955.
Some details are missing - particularly, but not exclusively, from the very early years - and the choir would be very grateful for help to fill in the gaps through old programmes, publicity materials, photographs and newspaper cuttings.
They advise people to visit the Waverley Singers website at to see whether they have anything that the choir does not, and if so to email [email protected]
After Elijah, Waverley Singers will be concentrating on Midsummer Nocturnes - Echoes of Nature, which will take place at St Mary’s Church in Frensham on June 22 at 5pm.
A new piece, Three Nocturnes, is being written by Owain Park in memory of Jo Reader, whose generous bequest has enabled the choir to make the commission to celebrate its Platinum Jubilee.
The choir will be joined by Philip Scriven on organ and piano, Ian Scott on clarinet and Joseph Spooner on cello. The programme also includes poetry written and performed by Rosie May Jones. Tickets will be on sale from March 22.
Waverley Singers’ final event of this season will be a Waverley Sing workshop with a focus on music for the stage - and it is not necessary to have choral experience to join in.
This event will be at St Andrew’s Church in Farnham on July 12 from 10.30am until 4pm, and is free thanks to the choir’s legacy from Jo Reader and substantial support from Farnham Town Council. To book a place visit