There was a buzz of excitement at Forest Lodge Garden Centre as gardening enthusiasts, volunteers, local councillors and businesses launched Farnham in Bloom 2018.

Guests enjoyed canapés and drinks in the garden centre’s restaurant while swapping ideas for planting schemes and community activities.

Leader of Farnham Town Council (FTC), Carole Cockburn, welcomed this year’s guests, including corporate sponsor Specsavers Farnham and representatives from the many local businesses which support the project. The judging dates were also announced for July 10 and 11.

Town clerk, Iain Lynch, said that Farnham in Bloom has “gone from strength to strength”, which he puts down to the “support we receive from our sponsors and the commitment and dedication of the hundreds of gardening volunteers who work so hard throughout the year”.

Lateef Iqbal, Specsavers Farnham, said: “We are excited to be supporting Farnham in Bloom in 2018.

“The initiative brings so much to the town, both to local businesses and to residents and shoppers.”