A wonderful performance by a Farnham dance group has left an audience and a much-loved charity in dreamland.

Farnham Dance should take a bow as their “Dreamatorium” show has raised nearly £2,800 for Phylllis Tuckwell Hospice.

Nearly 300 dancers aged from two-and-a-half to 18 took to the Aldridge Theatre stage at Frensham Heights for the group’s seventh biennial summer show.

The audience were transported into a world of pure imagination with adorable dancing unicorns and fairies jostling alongside cheeky witches, forest pixies and dragons.

Music from the new Wonka and Barbie films accompanied the on-stage wonders along with nostalgic ditties from The Teddy Bear’s Picnic and Alice in Wonderland.

The show, coupled with a successful raffle, online auction and sale of refreshments, was a huge success in raising £2,785 for a good cause very close to the school’s heart.

The concert continued the group’s long tradition of support as Farnham Dance has raised more than £15,000 for their chosen charity since the school was founded in 2009 by former principal Fiona Barnard.

Current principal Elizabeth Carter said she “could not be prouder of how the school has grown” and the “real comradeship” shown in putting the show together.

Farnham Dance is welcoming new students this autumn term and offers classes in ballet, tap and modern dance for all ages and abilities.

Adult ballet classes are among the many courses available, for more details and to book a free trial class visit www.farnhamdance.co.uk