Farnham Town Council is aiming high at this year’s South and South East in Bloom competition.
At the official launch of Farnham in Bloom at Squire’s Garden Centre, guests heard how the council has entered six categories including Large Town, Town Centre and Gostrey Meadow.
For the first time, Hale Cemetery has been entered as a contender for the Small Cemetery award.
There are also many community entries in the It’s Your Neighbourhood category.
Town clerk Iain Lynch said: “Farnham in Bloom has a history of success, and this is down to the collective support of everybody involved which includes an army of volunteers, sponsors such as The Patio Blackspot Removal Company Ltd, local businesses, schools and community groups.
“The colourful hanging baskets, pots and containers are what people most commonly associate with Farnham in Bloom but the campaign goes much further than this.
“Throughout the year there are numerous, less-visible projects taking place which aim to improve our environmental responsibility and encourage community involvement. Farnham in Bloom brings together the community and transforms our shared spaces into areas that can be enjoyed by all.”
Farnham Town Council welcomes new volunteers who would like to get involved in the award-winning Farnham in Bloom.
Helping hands are needed with nurturing more than 55,000 plug plants, making up 250 hanging baskets and 70 planters, and taking part in litter picks and competitions.
To find out more, send an email to [email protected]