A watchdog has caused a loo-commotion by calling on Farnham Town Council to rethink its plans for a new toilet block on Gostrey Meadow.
The Farnham Society has registered a strong objection with Waverley Borough Council as they believe FTC’s proposals to replace the current “poor and outdated” block are “wholly inappropriate” for the historic site.
They’ve also expressed their “disappointment” with the council for allegedly rejecting an offer to meet with the Farnham Society to discuss the application.
“We have no issue with the project brief or its objectives,” wrote Richard Hunt in the Society’s response.
“But we do consider the very contemporary and somewhat ‘commercial’ style building design, in size, height and form, wholly inappropriate.”
The group have also raised concerns about the cost of the proposals and the blocks “detrimental visual impact” from certain points in the park and on the Grade II-listed Church House on Union Road.
Mr Hunt adds: “We hope this decision will be reconsidered and the applicant withdraws the current application to clarify its project brief.”

The proposals for the “simple and sturdy” replacement include a gently curved roof that will collect rainwater and support solar panels.
If built, the “climate friendly” public conveniences will include four cubicles for women, two for people with disabilities and two for men plus urinals.
The scheme also includes a secure compound and storage space for the FTC estates team and incorporates the adjacent underused Borelli shelter.
While the designs might not be to the Farnham Society’s tastes, heritage officers at WBC are more keen.
“The current structures of the toilet and play area do not contribute to the recreation ground or to the wider conservation area,” states their response.
“The proposed replacement would be a better design that makes some efforts to reduce the visual impact.”
Another respondent has called for the disabled toilets in the block to be “stoma friendly” in accordance with a Colostomy UK campaign.
Public comments are being accepted until the end of this week, for more details type 00099 into the search browser at https://planning360.waverley.gov.uk/