A councillor has resigned from Farnham Town Council’s ruling party believing he can achieve more being an independent.

Cllr Chris Jackman, who represents the Badshot Lea and Moor Park ward on FTC, has left Farnham Residents Group.

In confirming his departure he said: “The Farnham Residents councillors are very hard-working and I have full respect for them.

“I look forward to being able to work with them, and councillors of all parties, in the future.

“However, I feel that I will be better able to serve the people I was elected to represent by doing so as a true independent.

“We all have a chance to change things and I feel I will be able to do so better by being able to speak out about what I believe without feeling I am letting down my colleagues in a political party.

“For instance, I think the Farnham car parking charges which went up again this year and which are set by Waverley are too high especially with large parts of the town going to be closed off by work on theFarnham Infrastructure Project.

“I can speak against this more freely now that I am not part of a party.”

This would seem to be a challenge to the foundations of FRG, formed in 2015 by a group of councillors who felt that party politics obstructed democratic decision-making.

The FRG website states they “do not see a need for party opinions and party whips in local government – it corrupts decision making and stops the views of the electorate from being faithfully represented.”

FRG has been approached for a comment on this apparent contradiction.

Cllr Chris Jackman talks nature with scouts
((Chris Jackman))

Cllr Jackman has represented Badshot Lea and Moor Park for the past 16 months and says he intends to continue doing what he does best, and “engaging with the public and being out and about.”

He said: “I am a true believer in fighting for what is right and representing the interests of the people of my wards.”

Cllr Jackman sits on the Environment Working Group which works with council officers to improve and develop Farnham’s allotments, gardens, open spaces, street ‘furniture’ and other public spaces. It also oversees the council’s cemeteries and burials services.

He also sits on Farnham South Street Trust which provides funding to Farnham organisations for art-based educational activities.

Just as Cllr Jackman announced his resignation from the party, Cllr George Murray, a Farnham Residents councillor on both FTC and Waverley Borough Council, stepped down from the executive where he was portfolio holder for Customer Services and IT.

Cllr Murray is currently unavailable for comment but a short statement by Cllr Peter Clark, WBC councillor for Farnham’s Rowledge ward, said: “I can confirm that George has chosen to step down from the WBC Executive.”

Unconfirmed reports also suggest that Cllr Murray is no longer leader of the Farnham Residents Group and that a new leader is being sought. However, the title ‘leader’ still appears alongside his name on the borough council website.