A Farnham woman is preparing to run 500 miles - and nearly 500 more - in support of her paralysed brother and a charity which supports people with similar conditions.

Marathon woman Ngaire-Elizabeth Guzzetti is ultra-determined to run nearly 900 miles from John O’Groats to Lands End in just 17 days.

The 39-year-old will attempt to run the equivalent of 17 consecutive ultra-marathons in aid of the Spinal Research Association (SRA) next March.

The fundraiser has been inspired by her brother-in-law who was just 22 when he was left tetraplegic following a surfing accident in Australia.

“His attitude is so positive you can’t help but have it rub off on you,” said Ngaire, who will compete in the challenge with her MTC Jogle 25 team.

“My aim is to just get out of Scotland,” she joked.

“If I don’t try then I definitely won’t make it. I think half the challenge is in your head, it's all about self belief.”

“We’ve got a good chance as long as we work our hardest and motivate ourselves,” said the incredible mother-of-two.

“My brother-in-law keeps me going and he’s in my head all the time.”

She intends to run around 54 miles a day in awareness for the UK’s leading charity in the development of treatments for paralysis caused by spinal-cord injury.

She will also be holding a fundraising black-tie event on September 17 for the SRA as they receive no government funding and rely entirely on the support of the public to raise funds for their research.

Ngaire is planning to run London Marathon just a month or so later, but that should be a walk in the park compared to her epic trek from the tip of Scotland to Cornwall.

If you would like to donate look for Ngaire Elizabeth Guzzetti on www.justgiving.com

By Evelyn Keys