FEARS the new developments in Farnham could gridlock the town centre have been raised at a special meeting.
Farnham’s Chamber of Commerce arranged for the leaders of the Brightwells Yard and Woolmead developments to talk to an audience of businesses.
And traffic was one of the most heated subjects discussed in a packed room at The Castle Inn.
Crest Nicholson, which is building Brightwells Yard, said traffic was the concern of Surrey County Council, and that it was following all the correct procedures and guidelines.
But with the two developments adding 377 new homes, – and Woolmead Road taking traffic heading into town as well as away, as East Street will become part pedestrianised, allowing only buses – there were worries the centre just would not cope.
There are plans, however, to install ‘smart’ traffic lights in the town centre, which can gauge traffic flow and ease congestion.
The number of parking spaces in the town available for shoppers is unlikely to be increased, although extra capacity will be created for people who buy the homes on the two developments.
Crest Nicholson and Berkeley Homes, which is building the Woolmead site, stressed their commitment to ensure their lorries would avoid town-centre routes when possible.
The chamber intends holding another event as the developments near completion, said president Amanda Glover.