Kate Powell, who is the Anna Chaplain for Alton, has loved getting to know the older community of the town. She especially enjoys their colourful life stories and attitudes to life.

In our Growing Old Gracefully series, she shares the profiles of some of these amazing people and why they chose Alton to live out their final chapter of life. Here she talks to Jenny Thompson.

1) How old are you and how long have you lived in Alton?

I am 68 and, apart from a few years when I lived on local farms with my Dad’s job, I have lived in Alton all my life.

2) What made you choose Alton?

Well I didn’t choose Alton – Alton chose me! But I love Alton. I was born in the maternity unit, where BrendonCare is now. I went to Alton Infants, Anstey Junior and then Amery Hill. I got married on my 18th birthday at Alton Registry Office and my children were born and brought up here. I now have three grandchildren and, apart from one who lives in Sherborne St John, they all live here. So I can safely say I am an Altonian!

3) What do you like most about Alton?

The people and the memories are the best thing about Alton to me. I worked as a home help looking after elderly and vulnerable people for years and got to know so many people that I wouldn’t otherwise have met. I have so many special memories of those years. It was a privilege to be an Altonian and able to help other Altonians and I loved my job. Now that I am retired and an older person myself, I enjoy thinking about those helped while I was working.

4) Tell me a little bit about a favourite time in your life?

I have lots of happy memories – my childhood, which seems so free compared to children’s lives nowadays; spending time with my Grandad, who was one of my greatest inspirations and introduced me to the Christian faith; my wedding day and the 50 years I have been married to Terry, and, of course, giving birth to my two wonderful daughters. My favourite memories of our family life were travelling down to West Wittering with our caravan for weekends and holidays, which we still do today!

5) What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

To grow old disgracefully! I love to laugh and try not to take life too seriously despite my health challenges. My hope is to be able to approach life in this way for as long as possible and hopefully to share some joy with others along the way.

For further information about the Anna Chaplaincy for older people in Alton, please call Kate Powell on 07539 026546 or send her an email at [email protected]