A consultancy firm says there is a “very low risk of flooding” on a site earmarked for warehouses on the edge of Farnham – even though an adjacent road was recently closed because of it.
Plans to build three industrial-warehouse buildings on vacant land between the sewage works and Water Lane have been submitted to Waverley Borough Council.
Access is proposed from the existing roundabout with a large unit at the Sainsbury’s end of the 4.86 hectare site and two smaller ones close to the trading estate.
The proposals are “of the highest quality” according to applicants, Multi Industrial Farnham Limited.
“It will aim to be an exemplar employment-led development of local and national importance,” states the design and access statement.
“These proposals offer a form of development and quality of design that is appropriate to its location and the proposed use.”
Initial plans for the former waterworks site suggested two large warehouses before proposals for three were settled upon.
The units range in height from 15 to 16.5 metres while the largest, if approved, will have 80,000 square feet of B8 space. The smaller units will have 54,000 and 69,400 sq ft with the former including 5,400 sq ft of office space.
The application is backed with a hefty GeoEnvironmental report by TRC Companies Ltd that considers everything from soil type to the presence of aquifers.
Their report says there is a very low risk of flooding from surface water from groundwater, but that may raise eyebrows given the recent closure of the adjacent Monkton Lane.
Google Streetview images taken at the Badshot Lea end of the site show the lane closed because of flooding with signs and water clearly visible.
For more details type 00001 into the search option at https://planning360.waverley.gov.uk/