SURREY Police has made it onto the small screen in a new ITV series Rookies, which follows the ups-and-downs of seven trainees en route to becoming fully fledged officers.

Filming started in January and took place over six months, following the group from their initial 10-week course to going out onto patrol under the watchful eyes of their tutors.

Surrey Police Chief Superintendent Jon Savell said: “This programme presented us with a real opportunity for the public to see the people behind the uniform and perhaps even dispel some myths about what types of people join the police.

“I hope it gives an insight into what it’s like to be a frontline officer and the huge range of challenges you can face on a daily basis. It’s not about showing the finished article, it’s about showing the process so we see people making mistakes and learning from them.

“I’ve been a police officer for 16 years and it really is a job like no other.

“You will face situations that test you both professionally and personally and my hope is people come away from it with a better understanding of what the police do and perhaps even having been inspired to become police officers themselves.”

• Rookies kicked off at 9pm on Tuesday this week and continues on August 30 and September 6.