A variety of free activities are on offer at a country park in Hampshire.

East Hampshire District Council is promoting the importance of physical and mental wellbeing through sessions at the Queen Elizabeth Country Park.

Kate from Woodland Wellbeing, a Shirin-Yoku practitioner will host forest bathing experiences. She will invite participants to join in activities developed to help engage all their senses in Shinrin-Yoku and there will also be the opportunity for quiet reflection.

Guided walks are also available to suit everyone, as participants can choose to go at their own pace. Despite some walks only lasting an hour, it is still enough time to take in the natural beauty of the South Downs and get a bit of exercise in.

Gentle rides for adults of all ages provide another alternative to explore the great outdoors and meet new people. More information at:https://tinyurl.com/QECP-whats-on.