Instead of a typical 30th birthday party, Rosie De Ponte plunged into a 100-day cold-water swimming challenge to support suicide prevention.

Every day, for 100 days, Rosie journeyed to Frensham Ponds to raise money for Papyrus UK, a suicide prevention charity.

Diagnosed with both BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) and PMDD (Pre-menstrual Dysphoric Disorder), Rosie has personally struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts.

“Thirty is such a milestone. It’s made me reflect on my life and question if I’m where I want to be. I have thought about the many friends I have lost to suicide and just how easy it is to listen to the illness and think you are alone.”

Rosie started the challenge in March, documenting her progress on her TikTok account.

“I feel great, so much better than when I started. Mentally I am much sharper and brighter with less lows.”

Rosie wants people to know they are never a burden.

“A couple of my friends took their own lives and you would just never think they were having those thoughts. They always seemed so happy and bubbly; it makes you question what you missed.

“People, especially men, should speak to someone. I would rather one of my friends call me at 3am than be attending their funeral the next week.”

Rosie completed the challenge on June 22, and has raised an impressive £660 for suicide prevention.

“It feels bittersweet completing the challenge. I’ve thought a lot about those who struggle with mental health, those I have lost, and my own struggles. I hope I have made them proud. 

“If even one person came across my fundraiser videos and reached out to Papyrus, I’ve fulfilled my purpose. I’ll continue wild swimming because it’s helped me so much and I really enjoy it.”

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