WORK has started on Asmodee UK’s new 134,000sq ft head office and distribution centre in Whitehill & Bordon.

Asmodee UK is one of Europe’s leading retail distributors of tabletop games, trading cards and accessories such as Dobble and Pokémon.

The building will be completed in the autumn of 2022. After it is fitted out it will be occupied in the summer of 2023 by more than 130 warehousing, operations, logistics, sales, marketing, purchasing and finance staff, and the company will close its premises in Alton.

Alex Green, managing director of Esdevium Games Ltd – which trades as Asmodee UK and is part of the global Asmodee Group of games distributors and publishers – said: “This larger building means we can bring our Asmodee UK team together under one roof for the first time.

“As a result, communications between our departments will be stronger and we can provide even better service to our customers, which include many of the major national toy and hobby retailers and independents in the UK and across Europe.

“Since relocating part of our operation to Bordon in 2018, it has been incredible to witness the radical transformation of the town centre, which includes new local amenities, and it has become an even more appealing location for our staff. We’re delighted to be part of this next phase of growth and development for the area.”

A ground-breaking ceremony on September 28 was attended by Asmodee UK and Whitehill & Bordon Regeneration Company executives, Whitehill Town Council leader Cllr Andy Tree and East Hampshire District Council chairman Cllr Adam Carew.

Cllr Tree said: “It was great to be able to meet the Asmodee UK directors at the ground-breaking event and learn more about the project.

“It’s fabulous to see the games giant build its new headquarters in Whitehill & Bordon and the employment opportunities that this will bring are very exciting.”

Cllr Carew added: “I am absolutely thrilled Asmodee is setting up its headquarters right here in Whitehill & Bordon. This means jobs, investment and a real boost for our local economy.

“The iconic design of the new headquarters, as well as its location on a former MoD brownfield site, ensure this will be an exciting new development for East Hampshire and fantastic news for Whitehill & Bordon.”