In 1948, a small entry in the Farnham Herald invited those interested in forming a gardening club in Frensham to meet in the Marindin Hall in Frensham on a certain date.

The club expanded to encompass Dockenfield, and we still meet in the Marindin Hall.

In order to fit all all those wishing to come to our 70th anniversary lunch on Sunday, June 24, we hired the beautiful 17th centre barn in Churt, Quinnettes, for a lovely lunch on a resplendent day, followed by Graham Gough - opera singing proprietor of Marchants Hardy Plants - as guest speaker.

Members old and new were there - it should be noted that if all the current and former council members present had their years’ service totted up, it would run into the centuries!

To everyone’s delight, Graham bought some plants with him from his nursery for us to buy.

Graham’s specialities include late flowering perennials and grasses, and he showed us a number that are garden worthy yet were not known by the keen gardeners in the audience, plus refined and choice varieties of plants known and loved by us all.

A good day out - and roll on the 80th anniversary!

• Article contributed by Caroline Tonkin of the Frensham and Dockenfield Horticultural Society (