History was made last week when the inaugural MP of the Farnham & Bordon constituency gave his maiden speech in the House of Commons.

Greg Stafford is getting used to life in Westminster as the Conservative gave his first speech to the house on Monday, July 22, having been sworn a week after his general election victory.

Stafford’s first questions to ministers focused on SEND pupils, VAT on private schools and healthcare services in Whitehill and Bordon.

Indeed, much of his introductory speech was spent decrying the lack of infrastructure improvements in Whitehill & Bordon over the years while housing continues to be built at a rapid pace.

Stafford’s maiden speech was around ten minutes long and included references to sweet shops in Haslemere, a proliferation of duck races and well-know figures in his “FAB” constituency.

The first motion Stafford signed is to recognise all the athletes represented by Team GB and Paralympic GB, while his first major contribution to a debate was grilling Yvette Cooper about immigration policy.

He said: “I am sure the Home Secretary agrees that this is a moral issue: we must never again see people dying in the channel.

“However, does she also agree that deterrence must be a part of the panoply of measures that we put forward so I’m not clear what is the deterrent measure is the home secretary going to in place?

“And as this question has failed to be answered a number of times, what will happen to failed asylum seekers from countries such as Syria, Iran and Afghanistan?”

Cooper deemed to dodge the question and referred to the Tory's Rwanda scheme as failing to deter channel crossings before focusing on the need to disrupt the criminal gangs behind the crossings and being harsher on them as a deterrent.