Farnham residents have been urged to say their say on Waverley Borough Council plans to improve a town play park.
The council wants to know what residents think of the current facilities at Baldrey’s recreation ground play area ahead of a likely revamp.
The consultation is part of an ongoing programme to improve recreational facilities for youngsters in the borough with feedback from the Baldrey’s survey influencing proposals.
“Our last consultations gave us valuable feedback as to what people wanted from the play areas in the borough and were instrumental in the design,” said Cllr Steve Williams, WBC portfolio holder for environment and sustainability.
“We are now looking to fully refurbish three more play areas and are asking those who use them to please get involved by completing the short survey so we can make sure that they are fit for purpose for families in the borough.”
The consultation closes on Monday, August 11, visit https://tinyurl.com/3mtnvppc for to take part.