Calling all Herald readers! A Tongham brewery aims to recreate a historic photo featuring your favourite newspaper.

Hogs Back Brewery are calling on residents to act as models to help recreate the photo that is displayed on the wall in the bar.

The brewery will be hosting its 10th Hop harvest this year since the original garden was planted in 2014. To celebrate they will be recreating a photo which was taken more than 65 years ago.

The original photo was taken as Hop pickers were reading the Farnham Herald in a local hop field in 1958.

If you’d like to be a star in the modern-day versions of the photos. Put yourself forward by emailing [email protected]  

Selected models will join the brewery for its Hop Garden Open Evening on August 15. The models will receive free entry to the Open Evening for themselves and a guest, plus a free pint each and a pack of ‘six of Hogs Back’s favourite beers. As well as the new photo featured alongside the old photo on the Hogs Back Tap wall.

The new photos will be taken at the Hogs Back Hop Garden Open Evening on Thursday, 15 August, so you’ll need to be available then from 6 to 8pm.

The Hop Garden Open Evening is open to all.  Hogs Back asks for a £5 donation to its chosen charity, British Heart Foundation, and entry includes a free pint. To book, visit