UPBEAT show band Hope & Social are by popular demand at Grayshott Folk Club on Saturday.

The eight-piece from Leeds, which has its own horn section, were the band who created the biggest impact and produced the most positive feedback from the club audience last season when they played in October 2017.

Folk club supremo Des O’Byrne said:“Their gigs are a life-affirming experience as well as a musical event and unlike most bands, they don’t set themselves apart from the audience – but instead encourage their audiences to get involved in their gigs in as many ways as possible. Indeed, for some of the time they are the audience.

“Hope & Social are terrific musicians; energetic and full of passion for what they do. They also embrace a whole range of styles in what they play - rock, pop, Big Band and maybe even a little folk.”

The fun starts at 7.30pm in Grayshott Village Hall with Martha Paton, once again, as support act.