A green community project in the heart of Farnham is set for future growth after receiving close to £200,000 in lottery funding.

The £198,000 in National Lottery Community Funding awarded to Space2Grow will support the good cause over the next three years.

All of the group’s activities take place in the beautifully wild Space2Grow garden near Bishop’s Meadow, connecting people of all ages with nature.

The garden was created and maintained by a group of adult volunteers and their handyman team the men in sheds group.

Volunteers come together to create woodworking projects, wellbeing sessions, for community organisations across the town. 

Chair of Trustees, Lou James said: “This is a huge achievement for us as a small charity and we are delighted the National Lottery recognises the value we provide to the local community.

“Our approach of working with local schools and organisations to really understand how we can support our local community ensures we provide meaningful activities that make a difference.” 

The charity’s latest initiative is Space2Play: a forest school stay and play for children aged 2 to 4 designed in collaboration with Farnham Primary schools, Potters Gate and St Andrews.

Space2Play allows children to connect with nature and have fun outdoors whilst building their confidence and social skills before making the big jump to full-time school.

The initiative also involves parents in these sessions across socio-economic divides and results in friendships forming and vital local connections tackling the huge problem of social isolation facing many young parents.