A journey a decade in the making finished on A-Level day for several students at an East Hampshire school.

Last Thursday marked the end of an era for seven Bedales students as it meant saying goodbye to the only school they’ve known.

The septet have been at the school since they were single figures having previously attended Dunhurst or Dunannie.

So there were mixed feelings when they made one final trip to Steep to get their results and a well-earned pat on the back from their proud teachers.

Thirty per cent of grades were either A* or A grades with many students securing places at prestigious educational and artistic institutions around the world.

University College London has been a popular choice with Theoretical Physics, Politics, Comparative Literature and East European studies among the chosen courses.

Others opted for universities in Edinburgh, Manchester, Bristol, Warwick, Glasgow, Durham and St Andrews while another is crossing the Channel to The Netherlands to study Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Amsterdam.

Another is going even further afield to study Aerospace and Astronautics at Virginia Tech, the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama awaits for another and three are leaping for joy after landing places at prestigious conservatoires.

“Huge congratulations to our students who worked hard to gain offers from such an impressive spread of universities and colleges,” said Will Goldsmith, head of college.

“I am very happy to see Bedales students following their educational passions and bucking the national trend of a narrowing of students’ subject choices.

“Having developed their independent learning skills and inquisitiveness, our students are well prepared for their next educational challenges.”

Mr Goldsmith added: “We are so proud of their achievements and where they are headed.”