A major overhaul of East Street between the Brightwells and Woolmead development sites has been given the green light despite dividing councillors.
The meeting on Wednesday, April 3 at Waverley Borough Council discussed changes to East Street including the re-location of bus stops, widening of footways, narrowing of the highway, cycle parking for 16 bicycles, new signage and reinstatement of yellow lines or white lining.
Fifteen letters had been received in objection to the changes raising concerns about traffic congestion, relocation of bus stops and the footways and highway.
Farnham Residents councillor Jerry Hyman also raised concerns, citing the lack of public consultation, impact on local businesses and emergency vehicle access.

However, fellow Residents Cllr Andy MacLeod, chairman of the council’s Brightwells Board, argued that any further delays would not be satisfactory as the Brightwells scheme has already taken 21 years to complete.
Surrey County Council is expected to be handed the completed scheme by developer Crest Nicholson around Christmas time.
Despite objections, the proposal passed unanimously and the council minutes stated there would be ‘no significant impact to the character of the area, or to neighbouring amenity’.
Cllr Hyman could not vote as he is not a planning committee member.
The original proposal had to be revised after the county highway authority requested that the development did not come into conflict with the Optimised Infrastructure Plan for the Farnham Infrastructure Programme which was published in October 2021.
There is also a planned housing development at The Woolmead in the pipeline, and in late March, local Conservatives candidate Aly Fitch questioned if the new housing was the right fit for the area and cautioned rushing into a decision.
View the plans at https://tinyurl.com/East-Street-Application