A vital water leak repair will see a key road in Farnham closed for approximately three weeks, South East Water has revealed.
The water company needs to install a 50-metre long section of new pipe along Frensham Road in order to take a leaking section of pipe out of supply.
Regional works delivery manager Philip Cereda said: “We’re extremely sorry for any disruption this vital emergency work may cause.
“The leak has caused a lot of disruption to the local community so we need to get it repaired as soon as possible.
“Unfortunately a retaining wall was built on top of the leaking pipe so our only choice is to install a new section of water main to replace the leaking one.”
Frensham Road was closed yesterday and it is expected to be shut for three weeks. A road closure is in place to protect motorists and pedestrians from the working area.
A clearly-signed diversion route, as agreed by Surrey County Council’s highways department, is guiding motorists around the construction site.
For light traffic the diversion route will be along Tilford Road, Thursley Road, Charles Hall, Waverley Lane, Great Austins, Old Farnham Lane and Frensham Road.
Heavy goods vehicles will need to follow a route along the A287 to Hindhead, the A3, Puttenham Heath Road, the A31, Waverley Lane, Tilford Road, Great Austins, Old Farnham Lane and Frensham Road.
Mr Cereda added: “Road closures are a last resort. Hopefully now the school holidays have started there will be less of an impact to the local community.
“I know this particular diversion is lengthy but it is the only suitable route as we must only use roads of similar or higher class to the one which is closed.
“Access to residents’ homes will be maintained at all times but the direction of access may change as works progress. If anyone has any questions or concerns I would urge them to speak to our team on site who will be happy to help.”
More information and updates as work progresses can be found at southeastwater.co.uk/frenshamroad