Farnham’s mayor and mayoress attended the launch of the North Farnham Art Trail at Kiln Photo, as part of Surrey Artists Open Studios (SAOS).

Mayor Brodie Mauluka opened the event and spoke of his interest in the arts, and was pleased to be shown the photographic exhibition and the charity cabinets of artworks from all participating artists.

He acknowledged the important contribution made by Hive Helpers, this year’s chosen recipient, towards improving wellbeing in the local community through beekeeping and nature conservation activities.

Hive Helpers founder and director Erica, explained how the hives act as ambassadors to the world of pollinators. This year’s fundraising will go towards more adult services with a community apiary to encourage engagement with conservation and to spend more time outdoors.

Erica thanked North Farnham Art Trail artists for contributing funding towards this project. There is still a chance to buy the artists’ donations at £25 each, until the end of SAOS on Monday, June 24 at Kiln Photo at Badshot Lea Village Hall.

SAOS is a great opportunity to meet local artists, see their current artwork, chat about the inspiration behind their ideas and learn about the processes involved in making original pieces of art. The trail is easy to get to on foot and maps are available.

Exhibiting artists include Jane Browne, Janet Gale, Denise Jaques and Lindsey Southworth, Kiln Photo (10 photographers), Susie Lidstone, Julie Matthews, Philip Ryland, Jenny Silvers and Shirley Watson.

For trail maps and more information, visit www.surreyopenstudios.org.uk