Thousands of Ahmadiyya Muslims came together at Mubarak Mosque in Tilford, to celebrate Eid al-Adha also known as the Feast of Sacrifice.

Families from across Surrey and far and wide came for the special service. Prayers were read by the head of the global Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad.

The event remembers and commemorates the intention of Prophet Abraham to sacrifice his son, the Prophet Ishmael to God.

President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Association, Dr Qurratul-ain Rehman said: “Although there are mosques everywhere, people try to come here because it is a special event.

“We have made arrangements for over 3,000 spaces for women and children, the Muslim community really encourages them to participate in all the activities.

“They have a dedicated marquee to make it comfortable for them to come and listen with their children and so they can pray and then listen to the sermon.”

The day is a celebration, children take the day off school and join their families and others for a meal and some will have their own traditions. It is also about giving back to others, with money sent to other countries to serve for the sacrifice with the meat distributed to those who are less fortunate.

Lib Dem candidate for Farnham and Bordon Khalil Yousuf, was also in attendance as another worshipper and member of the community.

He said: “ It's not just about ritualistic worship, it's about making sure that we practice that with our communities and our neighbours, regardless of their religious beliefs.

“The mosque here is a hub for the community and it’s a place where people from all different communities collect. We raise money for local charities, and that's important because Islam is a faith which is here to unite people together.”