A YOUNG researcher from Camelsdale School became famous this week after his in-depth research on gorillas brought about a new record in the Guinness World Records.
Myles Kannemeyer, 9, from Clovelly Park Road, Hindhead, won a gold award for his efforts in his school's Independent Research Project scheme, consisting of topics chosen by children to research and write about over a 10-week period.
His 75-page book included almost everything there is to know about gorillas, their habitat, what they eat and identification, and Myles even threw in some puzzles and games for good measure.
But his delight at winning a prize turned to disappointment when he read his latest copy of the best-selling Guinness World Records, a regular among his Christmas presents.
He read that according to the book, it was the wild boar and not the gorilla which had been credited as being the largest mammal to build a nest.
Myles and his family knew otherwise and immediately set out to put the record straight.
Reluctant at first to accept the new record, believing that perhaps a gorilla didn't build a nest, Guinness World Records' plants and animals researcher and adjudicator, Kim Lacey, was soon on the case and had great delight in agreeing with Myles and approving the new information.
A reference book used by Myles for his project, Gorillas by Jill M Caravan, said that all gorillas build a nest for their night-time rest and sometimes for their midday siestas.
For one night's use only and made of usually grasses, leaves and branches, materials are bent or woven into a circular springy bowl about three-and-a half feet or one metre in diameter.
Wild boar, on the other hand, construct their nests from sticks and foliage.
Several e-mails later and with a little help from his mum, Sandra, Myles convinced the publishers that his was the correct information.
Myles, who is a great fan of wildlife of all kinds, told The Herald: "I love gorillas, they are quite special.
"I'd like to work with them when I am older," said Myles, whose other hobbies are gymnastics, rugby and netball.
Kim Lacey from Guinness World Records told The Herald that it was uncommon to find new records because the information in her category remained fairly constant.
"For Myles to do that is fantastic and he has helped me a lot."
She said Myles would get an acknowledgement for his new record in the next book.